''Quiet Seashore''

The Sea Is Calm Tonight

''Quiet Seashore''

The Sea Is Calm Tonight


فونت زیبا سازفونت زیبا سازفونت زیبا ساز

One song can spark a moment

One flower can wake the dream

One tree can start a forest

One bird can herald spring

One smile begins a friendship

One handclasp lifts a soul

One star can guide a ship at sea

One word can frame the goal

One vote can change a nation

One sunbeam lights a room

One candle wipes out darkness

One laugh will conquer gloom

One hope will raise our spirits

One touch can show you care

One voice can speak with wisdom

One heart can know what's true

One life can make a difference

...You see, it's up to you

...3L to better feeling'' Love Light Life''

This day and every day

:remember that you are richly blessed


with wisdom, with lessons

with hope, with healing

with remembrance, with vision


with your path of continual awakening

with your home on this glorious planet

with your Source of divine Spirit

with Love

with Light

with Life